
I have written eight books about beer and brewing in English and German, three of which were awarded top honors by the Gourmand International World Cookbook Awards. I was also the Associate Editor and a major contributor to the 900-page reference work, The Oxford Companion to Beer, published by Oxford University Press.

My books interweave history, politics, science, and culture. Many of them are jam-packed with recipes and technical material about brewing. I enjoy taking readers on a global arm chair beer journey across time and place. — Horst Dornbusch

Scroll down for details about each book.



Dark Lagers: History, Mystery, Brewing Techniques, Recipes, Thomas Kraus-Weyermann, Horst Dornbusch

A unique book that highlights one of the world’s oldest and often misunderstood beer styles ― dark, bottom-fermented brews, which arose from the foothills of the Alps, in Bavaria, some five centuries ago. Tracing the evolution of dark beer from Sumerian times to today, the book weaves together an array of mysterious and fascinating subplots ― in history, politics, climate, microbiology, and biogeography ― with a balance of science and wit. Also included are dozens of unique, tested recipes for both the brewery and the kitchen.
Master Brewers Association of the Americas, 2018

2nd Place Winner of the 2019 Gourmand International Award in the “Best in the World” beer book category

Available on:

Amazon.comThe MBAA

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Untergärig und Dunkel — Die BRAUWELT® der dunklen Lagerbiere … mit 41 Rezepte, Thomas Kraus-Weyermann, Horst Dornbusch

The 2020 German edition of Dark Lagers: History, Mystery, Brewing Techniques, Recipes
Fachverlag Hans Carl, November 2020

Available on: |


Beer Styles from Around the World: Stories, Ingredients & Recipes, Horst Dornbusch

Beer Styles from Around the World is a collection of more than 150 recipes filling more than 400 pages for some of the world’s most important beer styles from the world’s major brewing cultures. Each recipe comes with the featured beer’s background stories, histories, brew-technical specifications, and tips for innovation and experimentation, as well as an ingredients list and brewing instructions that allow brewers to make these beers in any brew house, anywhere. This book was sponsored by BarthHaas®, the world’s largest supplier of hop products and services.
Cerevisia Communications, 2015

1st Place Winner of the 2017 Gourmand International Awards in the “Best in the United States” beer book category

Available on:

MBAA Bookstore |


Das Grosse BRAUWELT® Lexikon der Biersorten,
Horst Dornbusch
(The Great BRAUWELT® Dictionary of Beer Styles)

A unique A to Z reference work with entertaining, non-technical descriptions of almost all types of beer in the world, from antiquity to the present.
Fachverlag Hans Carl, 2017

1st Place Winner of the 2018 Gourmand International Awards in the “Best in Germany” beer book category

Available on: |


Die Biersorten der BRAUWELT®, Horst Dornbusch
(The Beer Styles of BRAUWELT®)

A comprehensive collection of 117 of the most important beer recipes from antiquity to the present. Each recipe comes with a detailed description of the style, supplemented by brewing instructions, a list of ingredients, and specifications in the metric and imperial systems of measurement, for both large-scale commercial breweries and homebrewers. Now in its third printing.
Fachverlag Hans Carl, 2014

Available on: |


мирые сортов пива
(The 2018 Russian edition of Die Biersorten der BRAUWELT®)

Available on:

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Prost! The Story of German Beer, Horst Dornbusch

Prost! is an introduction to the glorious world of German beer. Nowhere else has the history of beer been so intimately intertwined with the political, religious, and cultural history of the land and its people. The book traces the 3,000-year-old story of German beer from its turbid beginnings among tribal bands to the crisp, clean gems we drink today. It reveals the subtle secrets of the German beer culture, what makes it special and sets it apart. There are reasons, some centuries old, why Germany is arguably the world’s greatest beer culture. The book examines the ingredients that go into authentic German beers and the processes for making them. Now in its fourth printing.
Brewers Publications, 1998

Available on: | | Brewers Publications


The Ultimate Almanac of World Beer Styles: A practical guide for the professional brewer to the world’s classic beer styles from A to Z, Horst Dornbusch

This book was jointly sponsored by the Weyermann® Malting Company, BarthHaas®, and Kaspar Schulz.
Cerevisia Communications, 2010

Available on:

Weyermann Online Fan Shop

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Bavarian Helles: History, Brewing Techniques, Recipes, Horst Dornbusch

Originating in the hallowed, classic breweries of Munich in 1894, Bavarian Helles, with its delicate and subtle flavors, is perhaps the most difficult beer to brew. In this book, Horst explores this beer style’s origin, history, sensory profile, and brewing techniques. The book also includes an array of original recipes.
Brewers Publications, 2000

Available on: | | Brewers Publications


Altbier: History, Brewing Techniques, Recipes, Horst Dornbusch

Brewed centuries ago by monks, nuns, and secular brewers, this copper-colored, full-bodied ale has a proud and unbroken brewing tradition dating back to antiquity, when Roman legionnaires subdued the Germanic tribes in what we now call the Rhineland. Altbier sheds light on the practices of commercial altbier making, how the equipment and ingredients used affect its flavor, and how this full-bodied brew became one of Germany's most beloved beer styles. Recipes are included!
Brewers Publications, 1999

Available on: | | Brewers Publications

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The Oxford Companion to Beer

Garrett Oliver, Editor
Horst Dornbusch, Associate Editor Foreword by Tom Colicchio

The first major, comprehensive, alphabetical reference work about the historical, technical and cultural aspects of beer, The Oxford Companion to Beer features more than 1,100 A-Z entries, on more than 900 pages, written by 166 of the world's most prominent beer experts. An indispensable volume for all true beer lovers beer as well as food and beverage professionals.
Oxford University Press, 2011

1st Place Winner of the 2012 Gourmand International Award in the “Best in the World” beer book category

Available on: | |